Devon Self Storage Blog

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08 May
Storage boxes.
Summer/Spring Q1 2019 Newsletter

Q1 – Newsletter Spring.Summer 2019

13 Apr
Devon Self Storage facility exterior.
Resurgence of Records: Vinyl Record Storage | Devon Self Storage

Let’s face it – a vinyl record renaissance is upon us. Since 2007, the sale of vinyl records has steadily increased in the United States year-over-year, reaching monumental heights that far surpassed industry insights. According to Nielsen’s 2018 album consumption report, sales of vinyl LPs were up 15% from 2017, with record-breaking sales occurring during the week of the...

11 Apr
Storage facility lock.
How Minimizing Clutter Can Create Joy: The KonMari Method™

Since the rise of American consumer culture in the 1920s, our society has steadily maintained the idea that success, happiness, and a good life is gleaned from a house full of material things – but with the recent popularity of television shows like “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” and tidying techniques like the KonMari Method™, we...

05 Apr
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Psychological Benefits of Spring Cleaning | Devon Self Storage

With springtime quickly approaching, you’re likely going to feel a spark of inspiration to deep clean your house, tend to your yard, and generally get your life organized after a long, gloomy winter. From ridding rarely seen nooks and crannies of dust and debris to scrubbing floors and baseboards with a fine-toothed comb, spring cleaning...

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